church of the saviour on spilled blood

Russia is home to Europe’s deepest lake, Baikal; eleven time zones; and 30 UNESCO World Heritage sites. Russia is best-known for being home to mass production helicopters such as Sikorsky S-76s as well as Alexey Pajitnov’s Tetris game, created here by Moscow native Alexey Pajitnov.

Geographically, Russia encompasses both Europe and Asia; however, most of its people reside within Europe.

It is a part of Asia

Russia is a multi-continental nation spanning across both Europe and Asia. 77% of Russia’s territory and population resides in Eastern Europe with Moscow as the primary city. Meanwhile, Asian-based regions feature Arctic deserts, tundra regions, forest zones and larger permafrost areas that remain frozen year round.

Historical Account of Russian Empire The Russian empire once covered much of western and eastern Eurasian continent. It was home to many different ethnicities, languages, and traditions; due to its vast landmass and cold winter climates however, cultivation became difficult, forcing its citizens to import food products as the winter months approached – leading to a decrease in quality cultural and societal development in Russia.

Though Russia’s government has attempted to revive its culture, the country is still trying to strike a balance between European and Asian cultures. Understanding this ambiguity will allow one to avoid creating unrealistic expectations about Russia’s integration into international liberal order; acknowledging Russia as a revisionist power that continues to pursue its interests across Eurasia will assist Europe in crafting effective policies against them.

But It is also a part of Europe

Russia is a transcontinental nation spanning both Europe and Asia, sharing land borders with sixteen other countries. Its western half resides mostly within Europe while its eastern side primarily comprises Asia; these two sections of Russia are connected by the Ural Mountains which serve as a boundary dividing European from Asian Russia.

Russia straddles both continents geographically, while many of its cultural traditions can be found throughout Europe. Most Russians live in what’s considered a European region – this includes Moscow and St Petersburg with their diverse mix of ethnic groups that span from Russian to Orthodox Christians as well as traditional religious practices that others might follow.

As most Russians are European, President Vladimir Putin’s rhetoric has increasingly focused on an “illiberal Europe” which is hostile to the United States. This dangerous reversal must be addressed. Maintaining such views weakens EU resolve to support Ukraine while opening space for Russia to conduct divide-and-conquer tactics against its counterpart; furthermore, such views can foment Euroscepticism among citizens as well as fuel anti-Western sentiment among Russian citizens.

It is a country of diversity

Russia is characterized by its geography, history and multiethnic composition – an amalgamation of Europe and Asia with Moscow sitting right on their boundary. There are over 190 ethnic groups inhabiting Russia with Russian being the majority language spoken throughout. Additionally there are multiple cultures and languages present including its seventh-most spoken tongue Russian as well as outstanding literary traditions that include Leo Tolstoy and Anton Chekhov being among some of its many prolific authors.

Russia’s national identity has long been defined by its tension with the West, due to a combination of factors like Slavophilism (a form of romantic nationalism in Russia), conservatism within religious and political realms, Eurasianist political theory, and imperial visions of Russia as an “unifying nation”.

Cultural diversity can be seen through its population composition. Ethnically speaking, regions with the greatest ethnic diversity are those populated by a high proportion of non-Russians and indigenous peoples such as Tatarstan, Bashkirs and Chuvash as well as parts of Volga region and North Caucasus – although many ethnic groups have seen declines due to internal and international migration.