Brexit is an extremely complicated process that could literally affect the lives of many when it comes to the NHS. The actual effects that come with Brexit have not even begun. However, the NHS staff has already reduced its numbers with tons of nurses and doctors from the EU feeling a little unwanted and moving back home to join a practice. The lowered value of the pound also meant that the bills the NHS had to pay increased in numbers and a slight improvement in pound value could not make up for months of lost money and high bills.
The economy and the NHS share the same future
The current healthcare system is largely funded by the taxes. Ordinary citizens pay these taxes so any fault in the local economy will directly affect the NHS.
The Leave party argues that the weekly cost of EU membership would be used to fund the industries that matter. This could include the NHS but that statement is being disputed by many including Sarah Wollaston who crossed over to the Remain party after discovering she did not agree with a lot of what was coming with Brexit. She stated that this does not take into account the fact that EU membership came with loads of benefits. These benefits include research collaborations that help research within the UK.
The argument from the Leave side
A major reason that the Leave party used to their advantage is easy immigration for the rest of Europe. This immigration could mean that there is a rising population for public services to deal with including the NHS. What this statement does not take into account is that the thousands who have migrated to Britain contributed in terms of taxes as well as talent. A younger workforce meant more money for the NHS and fewer patients.
Medication and where it is coming from
At the moment, Britain is a part of the European Medicines Agency. This organisation is the deciding factor for what medication is on the market. If this is not the situation for the UK in the future, it could mean that innovative methods of treatment will reach the UK much later than the rest of the EU.
Overall, Brexit is going to affect the NHS no matter what. How much it does depends on the priorities that are focused on during the Brexit discussions. This is why it is crucial that the patients are given the highest level of importance during these discussions. This will mean that the healthcare that we have today remains at the same high standard.